In-person phone banking, CA
Phone Banking
In-Person Phone Bank & Postcard Reception with Rep. Josh Harder
in-person phone bank with Rep Josh Harder
Get Out The Vote phone banking
virtual GOTV
Make Calls To Turn Out Rural Dems
GOTV: rural voters, multiple states
Election Eve Phone Bank with State Senator Ben Allen (in person)
in-person election eve phone banking in L.A.
Sister District Phonebank with Jonathan Van Ness!
phone banking for critical state legislature elections
In-person GOTV phone bank in Adams County WI!
in-person phone banking, WI
20 Dials/20 Minutes-a-Day Challenge to GOTV!
National GOTV
In-person GOTV phone bank in Waushara WI
in-person phone banking in WI
In-person GOTV phone bank in Shawanno County, WI
in-person phone bank in WI