About Volunteer Blue

our story and our mission
The lessons of the last seven years are clear:
  • take no election for granted
  • take no voter for granted
  • turn out our base because elections are now decided by who votes and who doesn’t

If we turn out every one of our voters, we will win.

Volunteer Blue is a new project of more than 30 different national and regional organizations who have come together to recruit, coach and train volunteers to work in the most important races across the country to elect Democrats. VB is focused exclusively on volunteers and the volunteer experience.

Volunteering to register, contact and turn out voters is the most important work we can do.

Through Volunteer Blue you can find the most important races and then find the critical opportunities to:

  • Canvass and door knock
  • Text
  • Phone call
  • Write letters and postcards
  • Participate in grassroots fundraising
  • Get people to the polls

Volunteer Blue offers one-on-one coaching for individuals and small groups who need assistance finding the right opportunities to volunteer that match their interests, skills, and schedule.

VB offers a coordinated and customizable calendar of the most effective volunteer opportunities in the most important elections.

The participating organizations have come together to create Volunteer Blue because we need many more volunteers contacting voters if we are to win in 2024. Please use VB and tell your friends about it.

 We need to create a new Blue Wave of Volunteers. VB is the shared hub to make that happen. Use it to find the opportunities that are right for you and your friends.

Volunteer Blue is a project of Together We Elect PAC.

