Join the Gen Z Activist Network


If you want to…

  • Have an impact in this historic and consequential election
  • Make sure your voice is heard on the issues you care about
  • Develop new technical and communication skills
  • Engage with a network of similarly-minded young people
  • Learn valuable job skills around policy, communications, and technology and a significant project to add to your resume

Join MurMur’s Gen Z Activist Network and increase your effectiveness as a social media activist! We provide young people with the knowledge, tools and resources to amplify your voices in the 2024 election. You will have access to content creation training, ongoing messaging support and shareable social content.

The most important political conversations are now happening in smaller peer-to-peer settings. Your text chains, group chats and social media platforms are where this election will be decided. You are the most effective and persuasive messengers, and it is more important than ever that your voice is heard!

Add your voice to the election: Join the GenZ Activist Network!
Campaign State: National/Multi-State
Action Type: Social Media Activism


Get Started

1. Join the network

To join MurMur’s Gen Z Activist Network, apply online or contact

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