Ruben Gallego

Arizona, Senate


Laser-focused on the Arizona Senate seat occupied by Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat Ruben Gallego has a long history of fighting hard for what he wants and what he believes in. Born in 1979 in Chicago to a Colombian mother and a Mexican father who abandoned the family, Ruben and his three sisters were raised by a single mom. Gallego spent his high school years juggling jobs and making sure he’d be accepted by a college. He graduated from Harvard, where he majored in international relations.

Enlisting in the Marine Reserves, he and his battalion endured some of the most intense fighting of the Iraq War. Gallego became a public affairs consultant before serving in the Arizona House of Representatives for four years, and later served in the U.S.Congress from AZ-07 ( now AZ-03). He is a member of the House Committee on Armed Services, the House Committee on Natural Resources, and is a ranking member of the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations.

In his campaign to best far-right Republican Kari Lake (who still claims that Biden did not win the 2020 election), Gallego has picked up several key endorsements: Mark Kelly, Latino Victory, Katie Hobbs and Gabby Giffords.

On the Issues

On abortion: “The right-wing majority on the Court, hellbent on rolling back women’s rights, chose to take our country backwards and endanger the lives of American women by ripping away the right to choose. This decision strikes against the heart of our values and will cost American lives.”

On Medicare and Medicaid: “I'll always fight to protect & expand these programs & build a future where healthcare is a universal right.” He supports Medicare for All.

On climate and the environment: "Expanding our use of renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions are critical."

On gun control: He is endorsed and rated 100% by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

On taxes: "When the wealth of billionaires increases 70% at a time when low and middle income Americans were suffering, there is something wrong with the system. The uber-wealthy paying their fair share of taxes would go a long way to helping fix that system."

Events and Actions
