Sherrod Brown

Ohio, Senate


Sherrod Brown has served as the senior United States Senator from Ohio since 2007. Born and raised in the industrial town of Mansfield, Brown hails from a working-class background. He spent his summers working on the farm that his family owned for five generations. He earned an Eagle Scout Eagle Scout badge in a ceremony attended by U.S. Sen. John Glenn. Brown attended Yale University, where he earned a bachelor's degree, before returning to Ohio to begin a career in public service.

Brown's political career began in the Ohio state legislature, where he served for over a decade before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992. He has maintained a consistently progressive voting record in Congress, advocating for policies to support organized labor, American manufacturing, and the social safety net.

On the Issues

As a Senator, Brown has chaired the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, using that platform to push for measures to protect American jobs from offshoring and unfair foreign competition. He has also co-sponsored bipartisan legislation to expand access to affordable healthcare and strengthen the U.S. Postal Service, demonstrating a willingness to work across the aisle on issues important to his constituents. On climate change, Brown has embraced an "all-of-the-above" energy strategy that seeks to balance environmental concerns with the economic interests of his state.

While Brown's liberal stances have at times put him at odds with more centrist members of his party, he has maintained strong support from Ohio's industrial base and labor unions. He is currently serving his fourth term in the Senate.

Events and Actions
