Dec. 22 Latinx Phonebank w. FairFight


It's GOTV time—again! The Georgia runoff election is just around the corner, and Fair Fight needs your help getting out the vote! We will be calling Latinx Georgia voters to make sure they have the information they need to make a plan to vote either by mail or in person. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO...

Neuter Mitch McConnell: GOTV Forsyth and Gwinnett Counties Phone Bank


Does the very thought of Mitch McConnell irritate you? Join us for a special I hate Mitch Phone Bank this Saturday, December 19th 12-2 PM EST. We're partnering with the Carolyn Bourdeaux campaign to turn out Democratic voters in Gwinnett and Forsyth Counties. Representative-elect Bourdeaux was the only Democrat in the nation to truly flip...

Posted events are open to all.
