Together for 2020’s
Text-o-Ween Party!

As Dracula would say, there’s a lot at stake in this election. But that doesn’t mean we can’t throw a good, old-fashioned Halloween party.
Together for 2020’s Text-o-Ween will be a cauldron bubbling with mysterious music, ghostly games, terror-ific teams, and fang-tastic fun. And we’ll still be reaching out to voters in key states, using our charms to get out the vote.
Come along prepared with the texting platform you like to use. We will text while we celebrate the eeriest night of the year. Instead of just hanging around your crypt on Saturday, Don your most creative costume (if you like), gather fiends – er, friends – via Zoom, and join the festivities.
Sign up and a-haunting we will go!
Saturday, Oct. 31
3-5 p.m. EDT
Relational Organizing: Your Message & Network

Relational organizing is reaching out to friends, to people you know, using your phone, your tablet, or your computer. And it works.
Campaign analysts credit relational organizing as a key component in the victory of Barack Obama. It is a method that has mobilized voters across the swing states this year, and you can be part of the effort.
Together for 2020 has the resources to help you get started and make your efforts work.
October 21 – November 3
9 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET
Reaching Out to Voters

Now let’s give it all we’ve got.
If you are itching to get more involved but aren’t sure how or just need a good pep talk, connect with one of our Action Gurus.
Together for 2020 has live daily sessions with volunteers who know their stuff and are eager to impart their knowledge to you. The help is available 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, Oct. 21 to Election Day. Drop In on Action Gurus.
And save the date for our Zoom Halloween party, “Text-o-Ween,” 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31.
Come in costume if you like. Enjoy the haunting playlist, compiled by our own marketing and communications team, inspiring us to end this horror show! Join the texting party today!