Wave of the Week-Archived-7-20

Each week, Together for 2020 offers you an action, an event and a candidate to explore —
Three ways to get involved in shaping the upcoming elections. Become part of the Blue Wave!


Post Primary Virtual Kickoff for Maine

The race toward Election Day is a team relay, not a single marathon. Now that the July 14 Maine primary is decided, it’s time to lace up our running shoes and join the race. If we unite and get to work now, progressives will cross the finish line first this fall.

Join us for Swing Left National’s post-primary virtual kickoff on Wednesday, July 22, featuring Sara Gideon  as well as campaign representatives and leaders from activist organizations.

Learn about next steps to flip Maine and how you can play a role. Get inspired to join the field effort to help progressive Maine candidates prevail and capture Maine’s electoral votes. You’ll hear the plans for the next phase of the campaign, including persuasion, GOTV, absentee ballots and voter registration, and how we will get our candidates into the winner’s circle. 

Let’s turn Maine bright blue together and wake up saying, “WE DID IT” on November 4.

Wednesday, July 22, 7:30-9:30 pm


Take it to the Bank – Phone bank, that is

Electioneering has changed. Phone banking has supplanted door-to-door canvassing in the age of Covid-19. Studies show that making personal phone calls to individuals is an effective tactic to get out the vote and help voters learn about candidates. The person-to-person approach works, even if it’s over the phone rather than on someone’s doorstep.

Put your phone skills and your desire to save democracy to work by making calls to Maine. We need to defeat Susan Collins, hold onto the House seat held by a one-term Democrat, and gain electoral votes in the presidential election. By volunteering, you will play a critical role collecting data the Maine Democrats need to build an effective ground game for winning. An army of callers will make it possible to clean up the voter list and identify reliable voters.

The link below provides training, technical support, and organization, critical to phone bankers’ success.

We have a lot of calls to make between now and the election. Become part of this blue wave!


Sara Gideon Can Send Susan Packing

It’s time to wave goodbye to one of the biggest disappointments in the Senate. Susan Collins has got to go.

The person who can defeat Collins is Democrat Sara Gideon. Gideon is moving up in the polls, beating Collins even pr-primary when Gideon had a primary opponent. Her strength with Maine voters is a bright spot in what often seem dark days.

Currently speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, Gideon was elected to the house in 2012. Gideon voted to strengthen Maine’s clean elections system and worked to pass automatic voter registration. She supports making healthcare accessible and affordable, endorses rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, and has vowed to work hard to expand quality education for all students.  

Individual contributions will go a long way to help Gideon bring a true progressive voice to the Senate.
