Get Ready to Canvass with Sister District in AZ, MI, NV,


Sister District Yolo is coordinating canvassing in AZ, MI and NV. There are specific canvassing dates for each state.

Campaign State: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada
Action Type: Canvassing
Coordinator: Claudia Miller
Sponsor: Sister District

1. Fill up the interest form with your choice of location and dates

Please fill out this form if you are interested in any canvassing trips.

Your contact information will not be shared with anyone until you are confirmed on a trip. Once the group is confirmed, the members of your trip will have access to your phone number and email.

Phoenix, AZ – September 13-15, November 2-5 (Election weekend!)
Michigan – August 16-19, October 4-7

Reno, NV – Day Trip – July 13, Day Trip – August 10, Sept 3-4: Mid-week voter registration blitz at UNR, Day Trip – September 7
Other dates may also be available upon interest.



2. Sister District will Contact You

They will reach out to you for any trip you show interest in. Sister District Yolo will provide detailed information about canvassing opportunities, arrange some shared dinners, connect with candidates for possible meet-ups, and suggest hotels & flights.


3. Make Your Travel Arrangements

You will make your own travel and housing arrangements. We encourage you to invite friends or family to come with you!


4. Canvass Away - Have Fun!



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